Quality Management System
The Company has developed and successfully implemented a quality management system, which meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2009, including additional requirements for government organizations and the NATO, which are specified in ČOS 051622 (AQAP 2110). The Company is ready to fulfil all contractual requirements related to configuration, reliability and maintenance of supplied systems and products throughout their life cycle.
The quality management system has been successfully tested by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance (LRQA) and by The Office of Defence Standardization, Catalogization and Government Quality Assurance (Úř OSK SOJ).
The Company holds following certificates:
- Certificate ČSN ISO 9001:2012 ENG
- Certificate ČSN ISO 9001:2012 CZE
- Certificate ČOS 051622 (AQAP 2110)
The entire staffs of the Company adhere and apply health and safety standards, as well as standards of environment protection and protection of information.
Industrial designs
CCE Prague, spol. s r.o., participates in development o special technologies and belongs to Czech companies holding industrial designs:
- autonomous communication system
- digital topographic information system
- mobile digital topographic information system
- equipment for monumentation of survey points
These designs are registered by the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic.
Geodetic surveying licenses:
- 2 Licensed Engineers in Geodetic Surveying
- 1 Chief Mining Surveyor
- 5 Mining Surveyors