Other Engineering Surveying Activities
CCE Prague, spol. s r.o. took part in following projects:
- “Troja Bridge” accross the Vltava River in the Capital City of Prague
- Ejecting of Metro tunnels below the river
- “Blanka” Tunnel Complex in the Inner City Ring Road
- Construction of bridge over the “Rybný potok” on mototwayD8
- Reconstruction of the City Tower in Prague 4
- Construction of station “Střížkov” on line “C” of Prague Metro
- Construction of extension of the Metro line “A” Dejvice – Motol
- Housing development projects – “Pod Tyršovým vrchem”, “Antal”, “Citadela”, “Černochovka”, “Hammer”, and others
- Construction of highway bridges across the Ohře river, railway “Karlovy Vary – Sokolov”, “Opárno” bridge on D8 motorway
- Construction of the highway bridge at “Rzavá u Chotoviny” on D3 motorway
- Construction of tunnels “Prackovice – Radejčín nad Labem”
- Construction “Ledvice” thermal power station (660 MW)
- Engineering surveying activities in machinery industry, geodetic surveying services in the production of prefabricated concrete parts for bridges
- Geodetic surveying control for mining of mineral resources – coal mines in Ostrava, control of the underground railway excavations in Helsinki (FINLAND)
- Geodetic surveying for construction of crude oil fuel tanks for strategic reserves – “Loukov”
- Audit and deformation measurement during construction accidents – online monitoring